A New Disease

I have just diagnosed myself with a brand new disease: OCDFS. It’s a serious strain of the OCD disease. It is Obsessive Compulsive Desire For Shoes. And I have got it bad. Dearie, I have got it bad. Although, I must say, mine is not limited to shoes. It’s all fashion.

But today, my compulsion is aimed at boots. Oh, the boots. If you recall, I have been searching for specific boots for ages. So yesterday, I found them, and my heart nearly stopped. I already went to fit them on, but alas, I think it looks silly. The heartache! The pain! But I will go back in my lunchtime (yes dear, I am working today) and try them on AGAIN, and send a picture of me wearing them to my trusted advisor and see what she thinks.

I will keep you posted.

On a different topic, I completely went on a food debauchery yesterday and I feel terrible. (I don’t even know if a person can write like that, there are probably a million things wrong with that sentence)  Today, I will try to eat something healthy. At least, I will try. And friends, I am happy to report to those of you who don’t know, I have officially lost 20 kilo’s! Happiness!

WaywardMom is in Egypt on business! Jetsetter! I really want to travel more, but to be quite honest, I would be content staying on one place…that place though, must be Amsterdam!

Back to obsessing over Boots. Ah, boots. Also, I kinda have a lot of work to do!

Much Love