All the colours you can imagine

Hi friends!

I have not posted in a long time, and I am so very sorry. Life has been incredibly busy, and since I work in Retail, the Christmas season is my busiest, so I have not had much time for anything really. But let me catch you up:

The man and I have been looking into buying our first home, but so far, unsuccessfully. We have however made two offers on two places, but both were rejected. The last one devastated me quite a bit, it was my perfect home. So, the search continues, but less vigorously. Our Christmas was fantastic though, and he really outdid himself this year with my gifts. (But then again, so did I!) I got him the new Jeremy Clarkson book, and gorgeous worn leather wallet, and for my grand finale: The Star Wars Blu-Ray Box set. He got me the final season of Will & Grace (which now have the complete set of), the new Nigella Lawson cookbook, as well as the Jamie Oliver Professional series of cookware by T-Fal! Oh.My.Greatness. Such an awesome gift! Pretty soon I shall be blogging all about food! Yay! The summer is also officially here, and let me just say, it is going to be a scorcher. I am not loving it.

I recently went to an area in Cape Town’s CBD called Bo-Kaap. It is a very old neighbourhood in the centre of the city. What makes this place so special is that it’s residents (who are mostly Coloured people with a Malaysian or Muslim background) paint their houses in the brightest, most vibrant colours, and because of their heritage, as you walk through the neighbourhood, you can smell the most sensational and fragrant curry smells. It’s a sensory delight walking through there, hearing the children play in the streets, smelling the delicious foods, seeing these brilliant colours and feeling the warm ocean breeze on your face. I took some photographs, which is actually the main reason I went there, but I would like to go again, but much later in the day, when the sunlight isn’t so very harsh.

Here is one of the photos that I shot. You can view the rest on . My absolute favourites are the ones I took of my mom. She’s lovely.

As always, these photos are my intellectual property, so please ask if you want to use it.

Much Love ❤

Back to school…Back to reality

Well, not really. But you get the point.

So I’m back from my fabulous Amsterdam trip. Sigh. But it was an amazing experience, and I will go again. It is such a beautiful city, with unique people and too much beer and bread. I am happy to say that two weeks after my holiday, I am back to my pre-Amsterdam weight. Whoohoo! Now, I have a couple more kilo’s to lose, but it will come, all in good time. I’m being positive you see.

I have such a full day ahead of me, it feels like my head is about to explode, and it’s only 9am. We’re right smack bang in the middle of a move, into a cool flat, and the last of the stuff has to be taken there tonight, before we move the furniture. Last night, as I was packing, I realised that I have way too much clothes. I threw a bunch out. It was hard, but I did it, and it’s going to charity anyway! That said, after I threw out all of the things I don’t wear anymore, I was left with about 7 huge suitcase full of clothes! And that’s not even the shoes. Back to my hectic day, I also need to fit in the time to bake 60 (yes, sixty!) muffins for tomorrow. The things I get myself into!

I have decided to enter a blog competition, where I can win 12 pairs of shoes! I do love my shoes, and to get them for free, is like true love. It’s rare and special. I just have to decide what to write about, which is a bit of a stumbling block. So today, I will also be looking for inspiration in this small town. Cross your fingers.

Here are some of my holiday snaps. I’m so in love with travelling! Enjoy!