Redefining Shape

Round is not a shape I want to be. No thank you mister!

I can not for the life of me understand why anyone could be content with being fat. Why would one choose that? Being fat is easy. But life is not easy. So yes, I have worked hard in losing a lot of weight. But it really does not feel like an accomplishment when I am standing in front of the mirror in underwear. Because even though I have lost the weight, if I don’t do any exercise, I still have flab. And dreaded cellulite. Blegh. And there is no point in being happy with what the scale says if I can’t get into a bikini and feel good about myself.

So now, I will embark on starting an excercise routine. Shocker, I know. I am probably one of the laziest people ever, so this is going to be hard. Very hard. But I am determined. We are now moving into autumn, which gives me a couple of months before beach season is back. It gives me some time to get into the routine so that I can change my shape. Into a fierce delicious lean mean envy-inducing shape. 

The plan is to buy a spinning bike at the end of the month. ( I saw a special on a spinning bike, so it won’t be that expensive)  The plan is to spin myself into a frenzy of endorphins and sweat. Yeah! I will keep track of my progress, and bar me failing, I will keep you posted.

On a side note, I am going to have my camera serviced, and maybe (hopefully) it will solve the focusing problems I have been having.

Much Love

Well, at least I wore purple

I am so disappointed in my friends. I asked them all to wear purple today in support of anti-homophobia and send me their pics so I can post them all on my blog. This is an important cause. It’s close to my heart. And I try to promote it as much as possible, so that an awareness can spread.

But they didn’t. I was so hoping to make this entry a splash of colour, making you feel like there’s Purple Rain coming down on you.

Well, I wore purple today.

No H8

As you might notice, I have added a SocialVibe widget on my blog. I think it’s really important, and I’d like to share with you why I chose this specific cause.

Apart from the glamour that we see on tv and in movies, how much do we really know about the gay community? Not much. I have personally only known a handful of gay men in my entire life. I’m new to this, but I feel strongly about this. I’m the biggest fan of Will & Grace, and I am a self-proclaimed Fag-Hag. In 20 years I also want to be Karen Walker and I want to have my own Jack. But that’s not really what it’s about, right? No. Because life isn’t a sit-com. Unfortunately.

It’s about tolerance and acceptance. It’s about supporting young people who are confused, and hurt by society. How do we expect children to “Just be themselves” if there is such intolerance for homosexuality in the world? How can we teach our children to love their neighbour, if we can’t exhibit the same kindness? I find it appalling that people can judge others just by their sexual orientation. How dare we? How can we say that we have progressed as a people, if there is still such injustice? How is homophobia any worse than racism? It’s not, quite frankly, and it needs to stop.

I hate to generalise, and I might get some hate mail for this, but take USA for example. A first world country. Rich and Powerful. Helping the poor. Rescuing the needy. Leading the rest of the world into a better tomorrow…But wait. How’s that? How can a country that doesn’t support all of its people be an example to rest of us? How can we follow the lead, if there is no proper leadership in place? I don’t want to get into politics. The point I’m trying to make is: How can we (the rest of the world) look to a country as an example, if their example is one of intolerance? I got this off Wikipedia:

Same-sex marriages are currently granted by five of the 50 states, one federal district, and one Indian tribe:

States which previously granted same-sex marriage licenses:

States which recognize same-sex marriage but have not granted same-sex marriage licenses:

So how is that possible from a world leader? It’s absurd. Now I’m proud to quote, also from Wikipedia:

Same-sex marriage became legal in South Africa on 30 November 2006 when the Civil Unions Bill was enacted after having been passed by the South African Parliament earlier that month.[1] A ruling by the Constitutional Court on 1 December 2005 had imposed a deadline of 1 December 2006 to make same-sex marriage legal. South Africa became the fifth country, the first in Africa, the second outside Europe, and the first republic to legalize same-sex marriage.

YES!! Viva, South Africa!

But this brings me to my point: The reason I’m supporting this cause, is because when all is said and done, just because you don’t approve, doesn’t mean the gay people will go away. And note: they’re still people. Just like you and me. And I don’t even want to hear the religious debate: “But the Bible says it’s a sin”. Well, let me tell you something: The bible says many things that we CHOOSE to disregard in modern times. The bible says you’re not allowed to be cremated. It also says you’re not allowed to have tattoo’s. I don’t see everybody condemning those people. We have no right to judge. I have my own sins. I don’t expect (or accept) to be judged by anyone for them. So how can I judge someone and condemn them based solely on their sexuality. I don’t. And you shouldn’t. But many people do, and unfortunately it leads to depression, angst, fear, self-mutilation and even suicide in young people. It’s unacceptable. And this organisation aims to right that wrong in providing support for these young people. I got this off their site :

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization focused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. 


The Trevor Project is a nonprofit endeavor established to promote acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth, and to aid in suicide prevention among that group.


The Trevor Project is the national provider of life saving resources to LGBTQ youth and their families. We advocate acceptance and help prevent teen suicide by promoting mental health and positive self-esteem through a premiere on line destination, nationwide 24/7 call centers, and empowering social activities.

Organizational Values


Inclusiveness is one of our mantras. We are rooted in the belief that everyone should be treated like a human being regardless of their sexual identity, gender, or race. We as an organization will not turn any one away who asks for help. We will show them compassion. And, in recruiting staff and volunteers we will reflect the diversity of our community.


We promise to deliver the best 24 hour 7 day a week telephone counseling for youth in crisis. We promise to create a safe space, through our helpline and online, for LGBTQ youth. We promise to deliver our message of suicide prevention in schools throughout the country. We promise to hire a highly qualified and professional staff and providing them with incentives. We promise to operate our board, our committees, our helpline, our offices and our events with the utmost integrity.


We have been and will continue to be pioneers in reaching out to youth in crisis; whether it’s in schools, on the helpline or online. We will be stewards in nonprofit fundraising (events, Circle of Hope, direct mail campaigns). We will be innovative in our recruiting and retention of staff, volunteers, and board members.

I think this cause is worthwhile. I support it. And if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it. But if you insist, I will approve the comment, and ridicule you for the bigot you are. I don’t tolerate intolerance. Period.

Much Love (to everyone)